The Crucial Role of Social Support in Mental Health

» Treatment and support

Social Support in Mental Health


The significance of social support in fostering resilience and promoting mental wellbeing cannot be overstated, especially in the face of stressors and adversities [1][2][3]. Strong social networks and relationships can act as a protective buffer against the detrimental effects of life’s challenges, providing a sense of belonging and emotional sustenance [1][2].

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The Many Faces of OCD: A Guide to the Varied Symptoms and Levels

» Common Mental Health Disorders

The Many Faces of OCD


Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by persistent, intrusive thoughts, urges, or images that cause significant anxiety or distress [1].

Common obsessions include excessive fear of contamination, doubts, need for order or symmetry, aggressive or horrific thoughts, and unwanted disturbing ideas [1]. Those with OCD often engage in repetitive behaviors or mental rituals known as compulsions to alleviate their anxiety related to these intrusive thoughts [1].

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Life Transitions and Anxiety: Finding Balance in Times of Change

» Influencing Factors

Life Transitions and Anxiety


Navigating life transitions can be an overwhelming experience, often accompanied by anxiety and stress [3] [5]. These significant changes, such as relocating, graduating, getting divorced, losing a loved one, having a child, or starting a new job, can disrupt our routines and leave us feeling out of control [2] [3]. Transition anxiety, also known as change anxiety, refers to the feelings of worry and unease surrounding these life cycle transitions [3] [4].

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Can You Develop Autism or Is It Misdiagnosis? Understanding the Overlap with Childhood Trauma

» Common Mental Health Disorders

Can You Develop Autism?. Overlap with Childhood Trauma


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a challenging neurodevelopmental condition with symptoms that often overlap with other conditions, leading to potential misdiagnosis [1].

Common misdiagnoses include anxiety disorders, ADHD, borderline personality disorder, OCD, PTSD, and psychotic disorders due to obstacles like bias, lack of research, masking of symptoms, age, and co-occurring conditions [1].

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Optimize Your Well-being: Daily Routine to Enhance Mental Health

» Physical and mental well-being

Daily Routine to Enhance Mental Health


Incorporating daily routines can significantly enhance mental health by reducing stress, promoting healthy habits, and providing structure [1] [3] [4].

Establishing consistent schedules for waking, sleeping, exercising, and meal planning fosters better sleep, nutrition, and energy levels [1]. While building new routines takes time, gradually integrating healthy practices like affirmations, cold showers, or a morning routine can yield substantial mental health benefits [3] [4].

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