Men’s Mental Health: Breaking the Stigma

» Influencing Factors

Men’s Mental Health: Breaking the Stigma


Men’s mental health is an increasingly important topic that has been surrounded by silence and stigma. Societal norms have traditionally expected men to project a tough exterior, often neglecting their psychological wellbeing. This silence exacerbates individual struggles and contributes to a wider cultural reluctance to openly address the issue.

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Self-Compassion Strategies: Tips for Nurturing Yourself Daily

» Physical and mental well-being

Self-Compassion Strategies: Tips for Nurturing Yourself Daily


Have you ever lost your temper at yourself, criticizing and judging your actions harshly? It’s easy to be tough on ourselves – we tend to do it much more than we realize when it comes to our mental health and self-esteem. 1 

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Ways Social Isolation Can Affect Your Mental Health

 » Influencing Factors

Ways Social Isolation Can Affect Your Mental Health


During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people around the world experienced long periods of quarantine and physical distancing. This made feelings of loneliness and social isolation worse, especially for vulnerable groups like the elderly and youth.

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Seasonal Affective Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

» Common Mental Health Disorders

Seasonal Affective Disorder


Many people experience mood changes during the seasonal transitions, but for some, these shifts are more severe and can significantly impact their daily functioning, a condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or seasonal mood disorder.

SAD typically manifests as symptoms of depression, including low energy, difficulty concentrating, and feelings of hopelessness, that arise during the winter months when sunlight exposure decreases.

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4 Surprising Benefits of Meditating Every Day

» Physical and mental well-being

Benefits of Meditating Every Day


Meditation has been practiced for many years and offers numerous benefits for our brains, our self-awareness, and our overall happiness. It is like a workout for the mind, helping us improve concentration and relax even during challenging times. Meditating can reduce anxiety and sadness, improve thinking, and help us manage our emotions better, leading to significant improvements in our lives.

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