Uplifting Mental Health Movies for Cultivating a Positive Mindset

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Movies for Cultivating a Positive Mindset

Mental health movies for a Positive Experience


In this article, I will be reviewing a few movies for a positive Mindset, that explore mental health issues to hoping it brighten your day and leave you with a smile. Let’s take a look these feel-good movies that may offer you a casual and enjoyable take on mental well-being

These movies not only shed light on various conditions but also provide a positive and uplifting experience for viewers. From heartwarming tales of triumph to thought-provoking psychological dramas, this log features a diverse range of films that address mental health in a compassionate manner.

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4. Trauma Therapy: Navigating Emotions and Healing from Traumatic Experiences

» My Journey

Understanding and Healing Inner Emotions

A Personal Journey Towards Healing and Trauma Therapy

Welcome to my blog series where I aim to share my path to healing and self-discovery with you. Today, I’m to explore the complexity of guilt and discuss the challenges I face when opening up to my therapist.

So, make yourself comfortable, and join me on this journey of healing. If you haven’t read my previous editions, be sure to check them out “My journey”!

Setting the Stage

Walking into my therapy session, I feel a mix of nervousness and a strange sense of familiarity. My anxiety isn’t as overpowering as it used to be, but I still have doubts. Sitting down, memories of my last session come flooding back, and I worry that sharing too much might make me feel guilty again. It’s a tough journey, but I’m filled with hope.

Approaching Therapy with an Open Mind

Trauma Therapy  Open mind

I have decided to keep an open mind about therapy. Doing the same things over and over won’t help me get better. The calm feeling I get from my therapist’s presence today gives me the courage to share my feelings, no matter how scary it might seem.

Acknowledging Guilt

Feeling overwhelmed and nervous is a common theme for me. Last time, I left therapy feeling a mix of nervousness and relief. Despite feeling liberated for a moment, I’m still battling a lot of guilt.

Trauma Therapy guilt

I keep wondering if I’m really ready to face my deeper emotional struggles. Thankfully, my therapist is very understanding and supportive. It’s comforting, like a warm hug, making me feel that my emotions are valid and that I’m not alone

My Catholic Upbringing

I would like to reflect a bit on my strict Catholic upbringing. Filled with obligatory Sunday Masses, nightly prayers, and intense apocalyptic discussions, it felt like an endless spiritual marathon.

The belief that disobedience to my mother’s commands would result in eternal damnation added an unimaginable pressure.

The Whip and the Confusion

The presence of my mother’s intimidating leather whip was a constant. Any “mistake” I made would bring it out of the shadows, and it was far from a mere statement piece.

Amidst the strict discipline, my mother’s love was also evident, creating a perplexing mix of affection and rejection that left me in emotional chaos.

Psychologist’s Insights: Learning and Healing

All these experiences I’ve endured have led me to build a host of coping mechanisms, constantly living in fear, seeking approval, and striving for perfectionism. Everything is interconnected. I now have a better understanding of how childhood experiences can leave deep wounds that may last a lifetime, creating patterns that are difficult to break.

Caged Emotions

Navigating therapy sessions has been a formidable challenge. While I am eager to express my thoughts, some emotions remain buried. As the psychologist says, it is a process. A process I will put in pause.

I have summarized my experience of five (Package of therapy I had for free) therapy sessions in two posts (3. Anxiety and Family Dynamics, and the current post 4.Trauma Therapy).

I feel a mixture of numbness and a whirlwind of emotions to pause my therapy sessions, but I am proud of myself for taking the step to seek therapy. I know my journey isn’t over yet.

The psychologist has recommended finding a therapist who speaks my mother tongue so I can access those buried emotions more effectively. That’s something I want to do later on.

Trauma Therapy religious


Therapy, empathy, and the bravery to confront our deepest emotions are essential for growth and healing—I now understand that more clearly than ever.

Stay tuned for the next installment of my series, where I’ll share insights from my post-therapy reflections. I am both nervous and excited to see what comes next.

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Related blog

PS. For more details – An empowering platform that offers a wealth of information on mental health topics is Psychology Today , where you can find articles, blogs, and therapist directories that may assist you in your journey towards healing and self-discovery.

The Top 5 FREE Mental Health Apps in 2024

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The Top 5 Mental Health Apps: Best FREE options in 2024


This article is dedicated to compare Top 5 Mental Health Apps and ranking them base on their: Best FREE options.

When it comes to the best free mental health apps, several options stand out. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common in the market such: Wysa, Rootd, Mental Health, Calm, and Headspace.

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Total Self-confidence: The Ultimate Secrets Of Total Self-confidence Book Review

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Book Review: Total Self-confidence


Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5)

Date: November 15, 1986

Publisher: Berkley

Print length : 240 pages


Dr. Robert Anthony in the Total Self-confidence is a renowned self-help expert and author who has dedicated his career to helping individuals enhance their self-confidence and achieve their goals. With a background in psychology and personal development, Anthony brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his writing.

He has written several bestselling books that have empowered countless readers to overcome their fears and reach new levels of confidence.

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Tips Finding the Perfect Therapist

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Tips Finding the Perfect Therapist

Understanding the Different Types of Therapists

Finding the Perfect therapist can be overwhelming, especially when you’re not familiar with the different types of therapists and their areas of specialization.

To kickstart your search for the right therapist, it’s essential to understand the various therapy professions and what they entail.

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