11. Rediscovering Myself: Navigating Life After Therapy for the second time

» My Journey

Navigating Life After Therapy for the second time


I’m on a journey after therapy, and oh boy, it’s not easy. I invite you to follow my next blog post where I’ll delve into how I’m navigating my current life for the second time after therapy.

This journey of mine, filled with challenges and discoveries, is something I believe many can relate to, and I’m here to share it with you.

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Top 5 Anxiety-Relief Apps in 2024: A Comprehensive Review

» Resources

‍Top 5 Anxiety-Relief Apps for Mental Health


Living in a technology-driven era, it’s no surprise that digital platforms have permeated into the realm of mental health. Anxiety, a common mental health concern, can now be managed through the use of dedicated apps on our smartphones. In this article, we dive into the world of anxiety apps, providing an in-depth review of the top five apps that have been designed to help manage anxiety, enhance mental well-being, and foster resilience.

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10 Tips to Keep consistency: A Catalyst for Personal Growth

» Self-growth hacks

‍10 Tips to Keep Consistency: A Catalyst for Personal Growth


Consistency is the unspoken secret to achieving your personal and professional goals. It’s the steady, unwavering commitment to a particular course of action that can revolutionize your life. This article delves into the significance of consistency and provides practical advice on how to be more consistent in your daily life.

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The Impact of Low Self-Esteem on Mental Health and How to Improve It

»Influencing Factors

Impact of Low Self-Esteem and How to Improve It


Low self-esteem can have a profound impact on mental health, leading to increased symptoms of anxiety, depression, and attention problems [1]. A recent study found that high self-esteem at the outset predicted fewer mental health issues over time, suggesting self-esteem may act as a resilience factor in adolescents [1].

Building self-worth and a growth mindset through self-compassion and seeking professional help when needed can improve overall well-being and boost self-esteem [1]. This article explores strategies for identifying the root causes, fostering self-acceptance in a supportive environment, and ultimately enhancing self-confidence.

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Understanding Social Anxiety: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

» Common Mental Health Disorders

Social Anxiety Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments


Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is an intense and persistent fear of being watched and judged negatively by others in social situations [1] [2]. Those affected experience significant anxiety, nervousness, embarrassment, and self-consciousness, which can make it challenging to engage in everyday social interactions [2].

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