Rootd review: Anxiety and Panic Attacks Management Mobile App

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Rootd: Mobile App review:

Rootd review provides an insightful overview of the app and its features for managing anxiety and panic attacks.
Rootd Review

Website : ROOTD

Mobile App : Android , Apple

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4.4 /5)


Rootd is a user-friendly mobile app specifically designed to assist individuals in managing anxiety and panic attacks. It can be easily downloaded from Google Play and has received a 4.4-star rating from satisfied users. 

In this article, I will highlight the features of Rood, pricing, and how this app has benefited me in particular in my mental health journey.

Key Features of Rootd

  • Lessons on Understanding and Managing Panic Attacks: Rootd provides educational content that helps users understand the origins of anxiety, how our bodies and minds respond to panic attacks, and strategies to manage them 1.
  • SOS Button for Immediate Support: A standout feature is the Rootr, a panic attack SOS button. It offers immediate text prompts and soothing sounds to help calm users during moments of intense anxiety or panic 1.
  • Journaling Functionality: The app includes a journal feature that allows users to track their moods, identify triggers, and reflect on their progress over time. This can be a valuable tool for recognizing patterns in one’s mental health 1.
  • Breathing Exercises: Rootd offers guided exercises for deep breathing, helping users find calm during stressful situations and practice mindfulness 1.
  • Visualization Exercises: The app provides guided visualizations, body scans, and nature sounds to help users ground themselves when feeling anxious 1.
  • Sleep Support: Recognizing the importance of sleep in mental health, Rootd includes features like white noise and relaxing sounds to aid users in achieving better sleep quality 1.
  • Educational Content: Rootd’s lessons cover a range of topics related to anxiety, including potential causes like chemical imbalances, environmental factors, and chronic stress. It also discusses various anxiety disorders and offers clinically proven methods to treat them 1

Rootd’s Panic Button:

A standout feature of Rootd is its panic button. When activated, this function provides text prompts and soothing sounds to help users relax and navigate through moments of anxiety or panic. This feature has been a game-changer for me, offering immediate support and reassurance whenever I need it.

User Experience and Design

Rootd has an intuitive interface that promotes a sense of calm. The use of calming blue colors and a cartoon avatar adds to the overall atmosphere of the app and encourages users to actively engage in their mental health journey.

Pricing Rootd’s App: Free vs Premium version

The free version of Rootd provides essential tools and content for users to begin understanding and managing their anxiety and panic attacks. It includes the innovative Rootr SOS button, basic lessons on anxiety, and other tools to help manage immediate symptoms.

The premium version, on the other hand, offers a more in-depth approach to managing anxiety with unlimited access to all of Rootd’s features, including comprehensive short and long-term lessons, unlimited use of relaxation tools, and additional support for a deeper understanding and long-term management of anxiety. The choice between the free and premium versions depends on the individual’s specific needs and how they prefer to engage with their mental health journey.

Free Version Features:

  • The Rootr: A big red panic attack SOS button offering guided paths to relief 3.
  • Understanding Lessons: Educational content about anxiety origins, how our bodies and minds experience panic attacks 3.
  • Emergency Contact: Instantly call a friend, family member, or nearby help center directly from the app 3.
  • Personal Stats Page: Tracks your number of panic attacks survived, lessons completed, and overall progress 3.
  • 1 min Breathr: A tool for practicing deep breathing to find calm 3.
  • 2 min Visualizr: Guided meditation to help ground you when feeling anxious 3.
  • The Journal: Encourages identifying moods and habits to pinpoint triggers of anxiety and panic attacks 3.

Premium Version Features:

  • Monthly Plan: $9.99 for short-term access2.
  • Annual Plan: $79.99, includes 4 months free, making it the most popular choice 2.
  • Lifetime Access: A one-time payment of $199 for forever access 2.
  • Company Plans: Custom pricing for teams seeking a healthier and happier work environment 2.

Additional Benefits:

  • Access to Rootd’s Short and Long-Term Lessons: More comprehensive educational content 1.
  • Unlimited Use of the Breathr and Visualizr Tools: For deep breathing and guided visualization without restrictions 1.
  • Access to Relaxing Nature Sounds and Beats: Enhances relaxation and sleep 1.
  • Dedicated Support Team: For personalized assistance 1.

My opinion:

I had a positive experience with the Rootd app. It was engaging to maintain the Rootd character condition and complete daily missions. Overall, it was rewarding as it gave me a sense of accomplishment. 

Although I haven’t used the panic button feature, I believe it could be incredibly helpful for those who need it. Additionally, I found the deep dive into mental health concepts enjoyable as it helped me let go of my anxiety by having a better understanding of the facts and even better in one place. 

Finally, I am not fond of the fact that some features are restricted to paying users. Like many people, I have used various apps, and deciding which ones to invest in can be a bit of a dilemma. Despite this, I still find Rootd to be a good and useful app overall.


After using the Rootd app, I can confidently say that it is a powerful ally in managing anxiety and panic attacks. With its helpful exercises, educational content, and panic button feature, Rootd provides the necessary support and tools for individuals to regain control over their mental health. I highly recommend giving this app a try if you are seeking a reliable companion on your journey towards better mental well-being.

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Note: While mobile apps like Rootd are fantastic tools for supplementing mental health care, it’s important to remember they aren’t a substitute for professional therapy or support.

If you’re struggling with mental health issues, reaching out for professional help is crucial. It’s also worth noting that my review of Rootd is based solely on my personal experience.

Mental health journeys are deeply personal, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, I encourage you to explore Rootd for yourself and see if it aligns with your needs and preferences. It’s all about finding what best supports you on your journey to well-being.

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