5. Life After Therapy: Progress and Personal Growth

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» My Journey

Life After Therapy: Progress and Personal Growth


My therapy journey has come to an end, and I’m now entering a new chapter of self-discovery and personal growth. During this post-therapy period, I believe it’s crucial to emphasize the significance of ongoing support.

I would like to share some strategies that have helped me navigate challenges as I continue to embrace personal growth. If you haven’t read my previous editions, be sure to check them out “My journey”!

Discovering Complementary Resources

Currently, I am feeling a bit lost, but I have discovered podcasts and other tools to help me navigate this phase. One exciting aspect of this journey is exploring resources that complement my therapy. I have come across an amazing podcast called “The Self-Esteem and Confidence Mindset” which resonates with me due to the host’s personal story and insights on boosting self-esteem.

This podcast aligns perfectly with my journey and maintains a relaxed and empowering vibe. Additionally, I am finding value in a book titled Breaking Negative Thinking Patterns, which delves into how our past childhood trauma shape our decisions and influence our behavior. Reading this book feels like uncovering hidden treasures of wisdom that will aid in building the understanding of myself and continuing my growth.

Navigating Professional Challenges

Life has its ups and downs, and throughout it all, each day has its own beat. I’m doing my best to keep up with my routine: listening to podcasts, diving into books about mental health, seeking peace with the meditation app Serenity, and staying active with sports.

Mental health growth

Even so, there are times when I find myself putting things off, which makes it hard to stay on track. These activities are meant to be helpful and I do feel their positive impact, yet it’s not always easy to keep going.

Right now, I’m facing a tough time at work. There’s a lot of stress and pressure, and it’s shaking my sense of balance. I start to wonder if my usual ways of coping—like meditating and exercising—are enough to help me stay strong. It’s a pattern I know too well: Overthinking too much leads to anxiety, and when things don’t go as planned, I get down on myself, starting a cycle of self-doubt.

At this point, I’m thinking about getting help from a psychologist who speaks my native language. The resources I’ve been using, like apps, books, and podcasts, have been great supports in my journey. But I’m realizing that I need a bit more help.

Despite the insights gained from the therapy I have before and self-help resources, professional challenges may still arise. That is why seeking additional support from professionals can be a positive in my further self-development.

Embracing Patience and Self-Care

My secret tool during this post-therapy phase is patience. I must remember that change takes time, and setbacks are a natural part of the journey. Instead of being hard on myself, I am prioritizing self-care.

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Self-care is crucial, and the best part is that I get to choose what works for me. Whether it is mindfulness exercises, relaxation techniques, pursuing my favorite hobbies, or spending quality time with loved ones, I am making my well-being a priority. It is all about finding balance and taking care of myself along the way.


In conclusion, I can see my progress in handling my emotions and recognizing my needs. However, I acknowledge that there is still a long way to go, and I understand the importance of continuing with my therapy to sustain and build upon this progress.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to seek help and support. It’s important to remember that reaching out for assistance is a positive step towards personal growth and well-being

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PS. For more details – An empowering platform that offers a wealth of information on mental health topics is Psychology Today , where you can find articles, blogs, and therapist directories that may assist you in your journey towards healing and self-discovery.

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