How Volunteering Brings Mental Health Benefits

7 10 Volunteering

» Physical and mental well-being

Volunteering Benefits in Mental Health


Volunteering offers remarkable benefits for mental health, empowering individuals to make a positive impact while reducing stress and fostering a sense of purpose. 1 2 Through volunteering, people can enhance their well-being, build social connections, and experience a heightened sense of fulfillment. 2 

Numerous studies highlight the mental health advantages of helping others, such as decreased rates of depression and anxiety, particularly among older adults. 2

This article explores the multifaceted benefits of volunteering on mental health, delving into factors that influence its impact, and providing insights into finding suitable volunteer opportunities. 1 2

By understanding the big effects of volunteer work on stress reduction, self-esteem, and overall well-being, readers can harness its transformative power to improve their mental health and contribute positively to their communities.

The Benefits of Volunteer Work

Volunteering offers a multitude of benefits for mental and physical health. 3 5 Research has shown that volunteer activities keep people active, both physically and mentally, leading to improved overall well-being. 3 Specifically, volunteering has been linked to lower rates of depression and anxiety, especially among older adults aged 65 and above. 3 8


Impact on Mental Health and Well-being

Volunteering reduces stress levels by releasing dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with positive emotions. 3 Volunteers report feeling a sense of meaning, appreciation, and relaxation from their service, which contributes to stress reduction. 3 

This decreased stress further lowers the risk of mental health issues like depression and anxiety. 3 Moreover, volunteering enhances life satisfaction, self-esteem, happiness levels, and overall mental well-being. 4 8

Impact on Physical Health

In addition to mental health benefits, Helping out others positively impacts physical health. Volunteers tend to report better physical health compared to non-volunteers. 3 

Volunteering may increase physical activity levels, depending on the type of service, and has been linked to lower blood pressure and reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. 8 Remarkably, studies have even found that volunteers have lower mortality rates than non-volunteers, even after controlling for age, gender, and physical health. 3

Factors Influencing the Benefits

The factors influencing the benefits of volunteering can be categorized into three main aspects: volunteer motivations and intentions, frequency and duration, and the type of volunteer activity. 11 12 13

Volunteer motivations and intentions

Evidence suggests that volunteering has a positive effect on social psychological factors, such as one’s sense of purpose, which in turn are correlated with lower risks of poor physical and mental health. 11

A study found that the positive impact of volunteering on physical and mental health stems from the personal sense of accomplishment gained from volunteer activities. 11 Volunteering can provide a sense of purpose, as observed in a study where formal volunteering moderated the loss of purpose among older adults who had experienced major role changes. 11

Volunteering in mental health

Frequency and duration of volunteering

Studies indicate that there is not a linear relationship between the amount of volunteering and health benefits. 11 Instead, there appears to be a ‘volunteering threshold’ – a certain amount of volunteer activities necessary to derive health benefits. 11 Once this threshold is met, no additional health benefits are acquired by helping out more. 11

Type of volunteer activity

The type of volunteer activity may also influence the extent of benefits. Older individuals who volunteer demonstrate greater health benefits than younger volunteers, partly because volunteer activities are more likely to provide them with a purposeful social role. 11 

Additionally, the benefits of volunteering may vary depending on whether the volunteer work is formal (through organizations) or informal (helping individuals directly). 12 13

Finding Volunteer Opportunities

There are several avenues to explore when seeking volunteer opportunities that align with one’s interests and availability. 15 16 17 18 19 20

Local community organizations

Many local nonprofits, schools, and community centers offer volunteer opportunities. 16 Reaching out to these organizations directly or searching online databases can provide a wide range of options in one’s vicinity. 16

Volunteering oportunities

Online platforms and databases

Numerous online platforms and databases facilitate the search for volunteer opportunities across various causes and locations. 17 These platforms allow individuals to filter opportunities based on their preferences and connect with organizations in need of volunteers.

These are examples of volunteering websites that seem reputable based on available information. Please ensure to verify the authenticity and trustworthiness of these websites independently, as I have not personally used them.

CountryVolunteering Websites
United StatesVolunteerMatch, Idealist, All for Good
CanadaVolunteer Canada, CharityVillage
United, Reach Volunteering
AustraliaGoVolunteer, Volunteering Australia
New ZealandSeek Volunteer, Volunteering New Zealand
GermanyVostel, Volunteer World
FranceFrance Bénévolat, Benenova
IndiaiVolunteer, Volunteer India
South AfricaGreaterGood South Africa, Volunteer South Africa
Volunteering websites per country

Corporate volunteer programs

Many companies have established corporate volunteering programs that encourage employees to engage in community service. 18 19 20 These programs may offer opportunities for direct service, skills-based volunteering, team-building activities, or employee grants. 19 Inquiring about such initiatives within one’s workplace can open doors to meaningful volunteer experiences.



Volunteering offers a great opportunity to enhance mental well-being while positively impacting communities. The benefits encompass reduced stress levels, improved self-esteem, and a heightened sense of purpose, particularly for older adults.

By understanding the factors that influence these benefits, such as motivations, frequency, and activity types, individuals can tailor their volunteer experiences for maximum impact.

Finding suitable volunteer opportunities has become more accessible than ever, with various platforms and resources available. Whether through local organizations, online databases, or corporate programs, individuals can explore options that align with their interests and contribute to causes they feel passionate about.

Ultimately, helping others serves as a powerful tool for personal growth and community service, making a lasting difference in both individual and societal well-being.



1. What are the physical and mental benefits of volunteering?

2. How does volunteering contribute to personal health?

3. In what ways does helping others benefit mental health?

4. Why should you consider volunteering for the benefit of your mental and physical health?


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