2. Discovering the Ideal Psychologist: A Journey of Self Growth

Pictures 2 Discovering the Ideal Psychologist,Self Growth,Journey

» My Journey

Discovering the Ideal Psychologist for Mental Health Support

Embarking on a Personal Journey of Growth and the discovering of the Ideal Psychologist

Welcome to my series of blogs. This is my second post in the self-growth story. If you haven’t read my first post on Mental Health Stigma, I invite you to do so. Don’t miss out on the beginning of this story. Okay, let’s begin.


In this part of my journey, I am actively seeking people to whom I can relate, hoping that by connecting with others, I will gain a deeper understanding of myself. But, It’s been quite challenging. 

I have been exploring various platforms like Google and Instagram to find local support. As an expat living away from my home country, this search becomes even more complicated. I specifically seek English-speaking communities, knowing that support in my native language is unlikely.

Despite the difficulties, I’ve discovered a promising group. This community is made up of individuals from diverse backgrounds who share experiences similar to mine. It’s a dynamic group, with members from various ethnicities and different life goals. I am eagerly looking forward to becoming a part of it!

Discovering the Ideal Psychologist
Discovering the Ideal Psychologist

First Day at the Group Meeting: A Blend of Nerves and Excitement

I am excited to be attending these group meetings for the first time. It’s something new, something I wouldn’t have considered before, but it feels like a necessary step if I want to make a change in myself and in my life. I woke up feeling nervous, but I’ve been focusing on short-term tasks to keep my mind busy, which has helped calm my nerves a bit.

As I arrive at the gathering place, I can’t help but reflect on how many first-time experiences are filled with awkwardness— not knowing anyone and fighting the urge to sit in the corner until it’s over. However, I know this moment is different. I’m ready to push past those initial feelings and connect with people, embracing the opportunity for growth and change.

Discovering psychologist

I am forming a strong connection with someone who has a strikingly similar life story to mine. Like me, she comes from a religious background and has faced challenges with a dominant mother, resulting in insecurities and a constant search for approval. Interestingly, she is a psychologist.

Our conversations are eye-opening, leading me to reassess and reframe my life. I’m connecting my childhood experiences with my current perspective. She has a wealth of knowledge in coping strategies and personal growth, and her insights are sparking a shift in my mindset, prompting me to view my journey from a new angle.

I’m happy to learn and expand my understanding with factual information that can help me process and make sense of things. This new understanding of the connection between childhood trauma and my current way of processing things is mind-blowing. Why didn’t I make that connection before?

It’s time for me to head home. I have the psychologist’s contact information, and I feel good about it. I find satisfaction in stepping out of my comfort zone to meet new people and establish connections that can further aid my personal growth.

Breaking mental health stigma

Challenging Preconceived Notions

I’m heading back home and reflecting on my past. I used to believe that therapy and seeking help from a psychologist were only for people who were considered “crazy.” However, my experiences with this psychologist have shattered the negative stereotypes surrounding mental health support and made me reconsider my preconceived notions.

Despite my initial doubts and resistance, I now believe that mental health support is beneficial, and I am fully committed to making positive changes in my life. I’m going to book an appointment with this psychologist as I think it will be a good first step for me.

My emotions, much like my body, are grappling with disbelief about the potential for transformation. However, I am unwavering in my determination to change my life, and I am eager to embark on this journey. Despite its unknown nature, seeking help provides me with a sense of security and a commitment to personal growth.


PS. For more details – An empowering platform that offers a wealth of information on mental health topics is Psychology Today , where you can find articles, blogs, and therapist directories that may assist you in your journey towards healing and self-discovery.

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